Monday, August 27, 2007

Congratulations, Brian & Jeff - 60 Miles!!!

Here's a shout-out to Jeff and Brian who both completed a 63 mile bike ride this weekend to benefit Diabetes research. They joined up with the Tour Du Cure here in Colorado to do the ride and support diabetes research. Unfortunately, I (Stacey) wasn't able to do the ride this year (being that I'm weighing more than 30 pounds heavier than normal!), so Jeff and Brian partnered up for the big event without me. Unfortunately we don't have any pictures to post up (I'm usually the picture-pusher), but I'm certain that the ride was completed because when Jeff came home he was certainly walking as if he had been on the bike for 60+ miles!!! Aside from sore knees and a desire to take a short break from the bikes the guys are doing well after the ride. Way to go you two - 63 miles is quite an accomplishment and I'm sure it was an event you'll not forget anytime soon. Together they were able to raise around $1000 for the cause!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Big Stick Classic

Every year we participate in the Denver "Big Stick Classic". It is a charity golf tournament put on by our good friends, Travis George and Jesse Berchem. So, this year Jeff and our friend Brian decided to mix it up a bit and sport some old school gear. I think the quote of the night was "We're bringin' knickers back"!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Name Game!

So - we do have some names that we really like, and we're planning to meet our little lady before making our final decision on her name. BUT, Ciara had the great idea to use this blog as a way to open it up to suggestions. If you think we really ought to consider a certain name or if you just want to throw out an idea for fun - here's your chance. The most intriguing suggestion we've gotten so far is "Sacajowea"!!! I told that suggester that we'd consider it, but not to get his hopes up! I'm excited to see if anyone makes any suggestions!


We've decided that the early line on the over-under on when our new baby will be coming into this world is Wednesday, August 22nd. Our official due date is Sept. 3rd, but we think she may be making an early appearance. What do you think - over or under?

Friday, August 10, 2007

Jeff's Words to live by:

Dance like no one is watching
Sing like no one is listening
Fart like no one is smelling

There you have it. The definitve words of wisdom. These words have helped to make my life better, and certainly more comfortable