Kate's been having a blast hanging out at least once a week with her good friend, Landon. They've been getting along swimmingly, especially because Landon can't yet tell Kate to quit being so overbearing with her enthusiasm for him!:
We also had fun on the Fourth of July with Lulu, Poppy and Andy in Buena Vista, CO. Complete with a flag-style outfit on Kate for the never-ending Fourth of July Parade.
The following weekend we celebrated my birthday by taking Kate to the Cherry Creek Reservoir swim beach for a picnic and a swim. It sure was fun and Kate loved the sand once she figured out that it doesn't taste very good!
And today we gave Kate her 2nd official haircut. Here are two before shots and one after! Before with damp hair which turns into curls:
Before in the highchair as I pulled out the scissors:
After the haircut!
Kate is crawling like crazy and we're expecting her to walk shortly. She walks around the house holding onto walls, etc. and she walks really well when we are holding her hands so we'll let you know when she really goes for it and starts walking on her own. My mom's quote was, "you think she's fast now? Just wait until she's walking" - so we have that to look forward to!!