Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Fruits of Our Labor!

Our garden has been going strong and it has been so exciting to see all the delicious fruits and veggies coming up! Here's a shot of the loot from one of our big harvest days:

Here we have tomatoes, raspberries, cucumbers, zucchinis, jalapenos, green peppers, and green beans! We also had lettuce and spinach earlier in the summer. We are now nearing the end of the season now, but it's been a good go for the year! I love having a garden :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Walkin' the Line

Well, Kate has officially crossed the line from crawling only to walking and crawling. Her record of steps taken without the help of a wall, furniture or an adult is about 10 or 12 steps; that being said she does sometimes just take one or two steps and plop down again. Here's some video footage of some of her first steps

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Saturday marked the very first birthday of Ms. Katie Harper. We sure had a good time celebrating and Kate LOVED her cake. She had her own cake to do whatever she wanted to with and then I made a different cake for everyone else. We had friends and family here to celebrate with us and she loved seeing everyone and had fun playing with some new toys too. Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate, you made it a fun day!