Friday, August 10, 2007

Jeff's Words to live by:

Dance like no one is watching
Sing like no one is listening
Fart like no one is smelling

There you have it. The definitve words of wisdom. These words have helped to make my life better, and certainly more comfortable


Paul said...

Since no one has dared to comment on this post, I volunteer.
I think Hallmark should be calling Jeff; and, I think Stacey should invest in nose plugs (as I write this, I wonder how that would work....).
Lots of love,
Paul in SF

Leslie said...

Isn't it true love when you can burp and fart in front of your loved one and at the most just say 'excuse me', or 'yup, that was me'. I know Fritz has said that when they're flying, they all say 'Howdy' over the radio when someone lets one go.

I gotta tell ya, once you have kids, poop and farts just become so common place you don't hesitate to bring it up with adults at dinner. And once your baby becomes a toddler, forget about closing the bathroom door. In fact, one thing I love about weekends is being able to close the bathroom door and take FOREVER to shower and get ready. Thats where I get all my reading in!

Anonymous said...

See, I'm a genius. A legend in my own mind perhaps, but either way, very powerful words
Alfred Einstein

Get it.