Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Kate's Current Favorite Toy Video

Okay, we just recently figured out how to upload our videos to Youtube, so here's a video I took today of Kate on her favorite toy. She's getting pretty fun and smiling more and more!


Leslie said...

Cute! Ty had a similar toy and loved it. I even bought one for Katie's little guy and she has told me he loves it too!

Even our kitten, Marbles, loved it! She would jump on it and hang upside down....that would have been a good video. She also loves Ty's Johnny Jump-up (is that even the real name?)

Mostly Stacey said...

Do they still make Johnny Jump-Ups? My mom swears by that toy, but I didn't think they made them anymore because I really haven't seen it anywhere...


PS - thanks for commenting all the time - I'm always excited to hear what you have to say!

Leslie said...

Well, I don't know if what I have is the same as a johnny jump up, its just what I call it. Maybe it is the same though! I can't remember what the box called it (we got it when Izzie was a baby!). It's the seat thing that hangs in a doorway and the kid can jump all around. It's pretty cool except that we need higher doorways.

Thats the one we have, or at least pretty close. There are other models too.