Friday, February 29, 2008

A WII Bit O' Fun!

We decided that we'd spend the $$$ we won from the "Losers" NFL pool we participated in and invest in some good old video-gaming fun(after all we need to do our part to keep the economy on the up & up). After weeks of searching, we got a hold of Costco on a morning that they had just received a new shipment, ran right over and put our money down!! Matthew happened to be in town the day we got it, which was an added bonus and fun in getting to try out our new gaming system. We're pretty psyched about it - the gaming system we've been using is a Nintendo 64 that is nearing its 10 year anniversary with us! Don't worry, there's no way we're getting rid of the 64, after all it still offers us MarioKart, Diddy Kong and Dr. Mario!

Anyhow - it's been fun so far, but I absolutely HAD to put up this video of Jeff and Matthew in one of the very first boxing matches on our WII. Enjoy!


Brian Ross said...

Awesome....Jeff you gotta get inside on Mateo or he's gonna kill you with his reach.

Leslie said...

Oh that's pretty damn funny!

I was hoping you guys got XBox 360 and then Rock Band so we could form our own fake band. Jim thinks I should post a video of me playing the drums.....only if I look bitchin' while playing I say.

A Wii looks pretty cool though. I think if our kids were older we'd have one for them. I like the idea of being physical while you play video games.

Just don't fling the controllers at anything!