Monday, May 26, 2008

We're Ba-ack...

Greetings! We just got back today from a trip back to the Midwest "homeland". We were there for about 10 days and had an absolutely fabulous time that included 54 holes of golf, several dinners out, two days on our own while Kate hung out with Nana K and Papa Joe, plenty of wine, beer & cheese, the it's "cooler by the lake" weather of Milwaukee, a classic midwest flea market, a nice visit with my Grandma Cash and plenty of late nights. It sure was fun! I did drive through Iowa in the heat of the storms and tornadoes last night, during which we actually had to pull over and take shelter for an hour or so of the drive. So, we were glad to arrive home safe & sound this morning after a bit of a hectic drive back. Not surprisingly, Jeff has now officially sworn off Iowa on the list of places he wouldn't mind residing (I don't think there has been a single time we've drive through Iowa without hitting severe weather).

I'm hoping to load up current pictures and videos of Kate this week and post them up for you to look at. I hope all is well with you!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Welcome home! Glad you made it back safely.

As they say, it's nice to get away, but always good to get back home. I'm sure Kate is loving having her bed back!!