Monday, January 12, 2009

Here's to '09!

I apologize for the extended hiatus, I can't say that I haven't had time since I've been in Colorado for the last 3 weeks without work travel. I guess it is the holidays and the relaxation mode that comes with it. I sure hope you had a great holiday and a very Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe that Kate is 16 months old already, while we are aware that it is completely cliche Jeff and I were talking today about how her life is flying by. She's such a dream. She is signing and talking more and more everyday, which is a joy to establish the two-way communication that life is made of.

Christmas time was fantastic, we were up in the mountains with Jeff's parents and brother. We had a very relaxing and enjoyable time. Santa was very good to Kate, she received lots of pull toys, which are her current favorite toys. She's also become a bit addicted to reading. It is book after book in this house. She brings one over and reaches up to you to bring her on your lap and start reading. After that book is done she scrambles off your lap to go find another to read. I have to replace the 10 or so books in our living room with new ones every 3-4 days so that at least we have some variety in the board book marathons!

Now we are back to the routine of things in 2009. I'm leaving for my first business trip of 2009 tomorrow AM, which will entail leaving the house at 5:30 in full business-suit style. It'll be an early morning!


Leslie said...

Welcome back! Glad you're posting again. Jim leaves bright and early tomorrow too!

So great to hear how Kate is growing. Izzie loved books as a baby and now she is one of the best readers in her class! It can get tiresome, but it's wonderful she loves books!

Kristin said...

Thanks for posting Stacey - i miss the Kate updates (even though I get to Skype with you guys often).
I'm back in the USA and let's talk soon! love!