Well, the hard work and flexible time of my maternity leave is officially over. I've actually been back to work for about 3 weeks now. We're pretty lucky, because Jeff is watching Kate during the day and doing his Mountain Organics business on the side. It has been an adjustment for all three of us, but all in all everything is going quite well. We do feel very lucky to have taken 10 weeks of just family time for the three of us - it was an extremely special time.
Kate is doing quite well - officially into her 3-6 months clothes and her 0-3 are in storage. She really is coming along. She smiles all the time and has actually let out a couple bona fide laughs, which was super fun to see. She is also beginning to hold onto toys when she is playing with them.
She is very much looking forward to our trip to Wisconsin for Christmas. That will be our first trip with her in an airplane - wish us luck!
Now that it is winter time she is sporting this Columbia outfit quite a bit as we take walks in our ever-lasting quest to get into shape!!
Sorry we've had a bit of a hiatus on posts - just so busy with work and stuff. And our newest pictures weren't accessible for some reason...
I hope all is well with you!
Airplane tips: Pack everything you might need in a good diaper bag (of course leaving out all the no-no's of air tavel). Lots of diapers and wipes and change of clothes (babies seem to think that airports and airplanes are the perfect place and time to have a huge, huge poo...it's happened to me with both girls).
If Kate is a spitter, bring multiple burp cloths.
Don't be concerned about nursing at take-off and landing (or any time she fusses as I tend to do), just bring a cover blanket and whip it out. The hardest part is getting comfortable, but I've done it plenty of times. If anyone even gives you the slightest stink eye, you can remind them that if they are uncomfortable, you can just let her scream instead! Of course since Kate takes a bottle, you can always just give her that, but then you might have to deal with the overzealous TSA guy and watch him peer into the bottle while yelling at his buddies to test the milk.
Bring a few toys, but expect she won't be interested for more than a minute. The emergency phamplet can be very facinating as is the barf bag.
Be prepared for the loving grandmother-type who will coo at Kate and make it all a very pleasant trip, but also be prepared for the non-father businessman. He tends to think that only other businessmen should be allowed on airplanes.
As a side note, Jim has told me over and over that he never ever gets frusterated with kids or their responsible parents. If he hears a baby cry during the flight, he starts to miss us, but never angry.
It's great that you can work from home and that Jeff is able to be home too! I just can't believe you pump as much as you do! If I were in your shoes, I'd be nursing during all those conference calls! "You asked what that sucking noise is? Oh, it's just my brain taking in all this wonderful information!"
OK, maybe that answer would tip them off, but you get my drift!
I'm also the kind of person who almost wishes someone will question my nursing in public just so I can get all Mama-bear in their face. So maybe I'm not the best person to be giving work-from-home-while-nursing advice!
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