To my wonderful parents, Happy 40th Anniversary!
My lovely parents, Joe & Karen, aka Jose & Mom, aka Papa Joe & Nana K, recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary - how about that, huh?!? I couldn't have grown up with a better example of two people who truly love, respect and care for each other and they drive each other nuts for only a small percentage of the time! Not only that, but they're fun too! They are always doing fun things including extensive travel (ie a trip to Afghanistan about two years ago - yes, some people do call them crazy!). So, what did they do to celebrate their 40th, you ask, - they went to the Galapagos Islands!! Who does that???? Apparently my folks do. Not only were they celebrating their 40th anniversary, but it was the first vacation since my dad's full retirement. Apparently he spent the entire trip reciting the line "I'm a recovering lawyer" when anyone asked him what he "does"!!!!! Here are the only two pictures I've seen from the trip - pretty cute!!

Awwwwww...those pictures are super cute. Don't tortoises stay with their partner for life? That might not be true, but I do know they live a really long time, so maybe that vacation guaranteed 40 more years!
Happy Anniversary to Stacey's Ma and Pa!!
That's sweet Leslie, thanks.
And thanks for always commenting - I do appreciate it!
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