Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Kissing and Signing!

Kate's been making all kinds of progress lately that I thought you might be interested in hearing about. She is now hugging us when we ask for a hug. She will also attempt a kiss when we ask for one, but it varies between a lean forward with a wide open mouth and an actual kissing noise that goes along with the lean forward - either way it is too cute!

She also has finally begun to communicate using hand signs! This is a long time coming, as we've been showing her signs for "hungry" and "more" and "done" since she was six months old (that was 9 months ago!). Lo and behold she began to perform the "done" sign when a couple weeks ago and within the last week she's begun doing the sign for "hungry" (mainly when she is really hungry and trying desperately to get her point across) and she also is doing the sign for "more" half way through each meal. It was pretty rewarding for us to see the signs and I think it is thrilling for her to be communicating successfully with us.

The good news too is that she is also talking a bit. The words she can perform with various levels of proficiency are: mama, dada, nana, night night, doggie, coal, bye - I think that's about it.

Our little cutie is coming along and we're thrilled to see the progress.


Kristin said...

We want a video of the hugs or signing! How exciting.

Leslie said...

Super cute! "more" is always a winner (just usually half way correct like you mentioned). I'm impressed she can do "hungry". have you tried "milk"? That's a pretty simple one for the kids to pick up. I just loved learning sign language...just wish I hadn't lost so much of it since college.

I too want to see her doing it on video (a tall order, I know...still trying to get a good photo of the kids for a holiday picture!)