Wednesday, August 15, 2007


We've decided that the early line on the over-under on when our new baby will be coming into this world is Wednesday, August 22nd. Our official due date is Sept. 3rd, but we think she may be making an early appearance. What do you think - over or under?


Leslie said...

I always wish for an early rather then later birth date. Not too early of course, but I've heard it's really hard to be late. My cousin was 2-3 weeks late with her second. I don't know how she was so patient.

So I wish you a safely early birth date, like maybe a week early :)

Anonymous said...

UNDER! I'm betting on sunday.

Mostly Stacey said...

I beginning to think it is "wishful" thinking to believe she'll come early. A girl can dream, right??!!!

Kristin Branch said...

Stacey - you know I love you but I have to pick Over - us Branches are rarely early. :)

Mostly Stacey said...

Well, here we are and it's August 25th and still no baby! So, I guess the correct bet was: OVER! Stay tuned to the blog, we'll update it as soon as she arrives!

Paul said...

The day is still young.