Friday, January 11, 2008

To be Green or not to be Green...

We are getting ready to do some remodeling in our home and we are weighing the positives and negatives of "going green" on some of the choices we need to make. Since we don't have too much experience in this area, I'm asking for your comments/opinions/suggestions.

Today we came upon an option for hardwood floors that is a "green" option. It is stranded woven bamboo from North China, which is supposed to be a renewable resource and more eco-friendly than other hardwood floor options. Bamboo does have a reputation of being very "soft", but apparently this stranded & woven version is "harder than oak". We did get a sample, and yes it is VERY hard and durable wood, which does bode well for us seeing as we have two 50lb dogs and a child .

Here are the downsides/questions we have:
Is this sort of bamboo actually durable?
We are unsure if it can be sanded & refinished...
Are there any other "green" options out there that are mainstream enough to increase the value of our home? We really would like to do hardwoods, though.

Any advice or ideas you have are welcome! Thanks!


Brian Ross said...

A couple of websites that I found. You've probably already looked at these but figured I would pass them on just in case. Talk to you later

Brian Ross said...
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Leslie said...

First off, I have no idea if a bamboo floor is a good choice or not. I'm totally clueless when it comes to stuff like that. But, if you do the bamboo floor, I'd love to hear and see how it works out. Bamboo is great resource (grows quickly so it's better to chop down and regrow than trees) and it can be used in so many ways! I love the bamboo onesie my aunt sent for Ty, so soft. (he didn't get to wear it much since it doesn't match anything and he pooped all over it so it's a bit stained.....but still soft!) I think I'd love to try bamboo sheets, but they're pretty expensive.

Anyway, good luck with the decision. Go green! :)

Anonymous said...

hey dudes....

my answer, go green but don't go there...

I my little world and little brain I believe in going green. I believe in going bamboo. I have seen some amazing structural and decorative construction done successfully with bamboo.

From your description, my left eyebrow goes up a little bit at "made in China". Not because it might have lead paint (well maybe) but even though bamboo is renewable, it might come from a bamboo farm that has abusive labor laws and the process that they turn it into a hardwood might also come from a plant that you wouldn't necessarily want to bring Kate to.

On top of all that... a "go green" economic purchaser's choice should be coupled with a "go american" option as well. I think that if we are going to save america's economic and our future... we should spend with both intentions.

So buy oak! Hardwoods are also renewable and if there is a demand Americans will grow it. It might take more time than pine or bamboo, but time is something that we should know always takes awhile.

bueno, that was my dos centavos. whatever you do... love it!!!

Mostly Stacey said...

Interesting point about the not knowing what sort of plant the wood is processed in - I really hadn't thought of that...

Jeff's thinking about Oak now too. He says there is something "cache" about oak floors...

I'm sort of anti-oak, I don't know why - I think I've just overloaded on oak-everything...

We have realized that our kitchen remodel/new hardwoods is a much bigger project that we though. While I first wanted to have this project completed by the time Kate's crawling, it is starting to look like we'll be lucky if it is started by that time!