Wednesday, October 15, 2008

On The Road!

There is a reason why I haven't been doing many blog posts, I have been traveling A TON for work. I feel like I've been living the Johnny Cash song: I've been everywhere man, I've been to Newark, Chicago, Kansas City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Charlotte. I've been everywhere.... It's going well, but my time at home has been cherished so I haven't been able to write on our site very much. It has been very interesting checking out different parts of the company and I have figured out one thing for sure: my favorite time to fly is east to west during the sunset, it makes for a very thoughtful and pretty flight.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

It was great seeing you, even if it was a short visit. You'll have to come back so we can show you (and Jeff and Kate) around our cute area.

I am sure the fam loves having you home. Weekends are just to darn short, aren't they??