Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Wooden Block and Half a Fry In My Shoe

Kate's latest and greatest hobby is to move things from one place to another. It can be anything, from toys to food to clothes. She LOVES helping with the laundry: she pulls every piece out of the laundry basket and then either hands it to Jeff or I or it goes on the ground (it never ocurred to me until right now that because they are on the floor they made it to the floor they probably aren't quite as clean...). This is all well and good until I was putting on my tennis shoe to go work out and as my foot smooshed a week-old french fry (which goes to show how long it has been since I worked out) I also bumped up against a wooden block - both were in my shoe. It did make for a good laugh.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Make sure you jot that down in her baby book!

And keep an eye out because now it's your shoe, but soon it will be the car. And believe me, you do not want to find a week/month old sippy cup or piece of fruit or....ugh, it's just nasty