The main lesson learned on this little excursion was that it is no longer necessary to pack any reading material for flights - we were 100% busy feeding, holding, and playing with our little travel companion. The good news is that Kate did receive her flying "wings":
The 72 degree difference between Denver and Maui was a bit rough on the little tyke, Kate was down to her diaper when we got off the airport and hot and sweaty even still! That poor little thing had never felt air so warm in her entire life!! The good news is that after a day or two she settled right into the heat and went back to being her happy little self:
All-in-all the trip was a good one: Kate did great, we got to swim, boogie board, snorkel, watch the whales, play tennis, hang out on the porch and just generally relax. Here are a couple shots from the trip:

Jealous much? Yes I am!!!
If it makes you feel any better, we're currently reaping the difficulties that the time change created. Kate has been going down around 9 or 10 now instead of 7 or 8. Not to mention that it seems like she liked her crib in Maui better than her crib here...
As of yesterday we're officially doing the "cry it out" method, which was heartbreaking - but it only took her 10 minutes or so of crying last night to put herself down and about the same amount today for her naps...
There always seems to be some trouble returning to routine after a vacation. I love seeing family, but dread it too since it means the kids don't sleep as well during and after the vacation. But, it's worth it and it does get easier as kids get older.
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