In general I know that I am far too sensitive about these sort of things, although you never would have guessed that when I told the host of a recent party I went to that she had the same name as a friend of mine's pet parakeet (or some other brand of bird-in-a-cage...). Anywhooo - I guess I am going to try and put aside my overly-sensitive self and begin to be more "myself" in my writing and posts, after all if I do offend someone they'll have to admit to reading my blog if they want to discuss the issue further!
So, yes I do go to parties that you aren't invited too, I enjoy my time alone, I like both of my dogs more than most people, I think home-made food is generally better than anything you can get at a restaurant (okay, most of the time that's true), making crafty gifts is better than buying junk, romantic comedies are better than any action-packed war movie (full disclosure: the credits just started rolling on my #2 romantic comedy of the evening), sometimes I won't answer the phone when you're calling (but I usually will call you back!), there's no way I'm ever going to vote for Romney McCain or Huckabee, and yes we are going to caucus on Tuesday. That's all the controversial or interesting things I can think of for now...
I like the new layout, by the way..
I feel your pain on the blog and just how honest you should be. I have held back on writing a few things that pop into my head because I don't want to offend anyone (mostly about politics, surprise surprise). But I try to keep in mind that as far as I know, the only people who read my blog are family and friends that have similar opinions and personalities as myself, so chances are they won't be offended. And if they are, well tough cookies. I'm allowed to have an opinion and am allowed to voice it.
Go girl, speak your mind!
And kudos to you for going to caucus. I am going to have to lecture my mom to go do it. She wants to, but doesn't want to go alone (my dad isn't registered to a party). Screw being alone, this is important!!
Yeah man - I'm totally excited to caucus - I'll try to remember my digital camera and then post pictures up on the blog. Jeff and I may have our hands full though with Kate... I guess the caucus can take like two hours though, so hopefully Kate will be in good spirits while we're there. We'll see!!
Run like the wind stace!
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