Sunday, April 27, 2008

We got nothin'...

Sorry for the lack of new posts lately - I can't really say that we have any great excuses. Well, other than the fact that much of my immediate family was visiting for 5 days starting last last Friday (1.5 weeks ago now...) so we were busy hanging out with them and then I came down with a cold the day they left town and started feeling better by last Friday (2 days ago). Otherwise, there just really hasn't been much going on.

We did have a great celebration of our 5 year wedding anniversary last last Saturday - we had a total of 10 adults at our house from our two families over for dinner and we drank a 3-Liter bottle of wine of the same variety that we drank at our wedding (not to mention the four or so other bottles we flew through...) It sure was a good time and a fun party!

What else is new.... um.... not much I guess! We put some seeds in our garden this weekend and I can't wait to see the veggies start growing! Jeff's started working on our "kitchen remodel" project, which amounts to lots of demolition work for now.

Kate's doing great - still not crawling, but she's getting closer and closer everyday! We did finally get a highchair for it and she loves it - I think she thinks she is the queen of the house in her thrown when she's sitting in it! She had so much fun seeing Nana Karen and Papa Joe, Aunt Kristin & Mike and Uncle Mateo over the weekend - thanks to everyone for all the love and help with Kate while you were here! She's woken up at 4:30 AM the last two nights for no apparent reason, so we keep saying that she is obviously teething (that being said, we've been claiming that she's been "teething" for about 6 months now and still there are no teeth in her mouth)!

I now have accounts on both and - maybe that's what I've been doing.... So look me up if you're on those sites at all.

I hope all is well and hopefully some events that are blog-worthy will happen to us so that we have something to write about! But for now, we've got nothin'!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Congratulations on the anniversary!

I've said the same thing about Ty's teething. Since December I thought he was getting his uppers and only in the past few weeks have I been able to see any hard and fast evidence. And even though I've see the markings of one tooth, it is taking forever to come down (like weeks!). Kids!

Thanks for the update!