Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Price is Right Footage

Finally!! Here is a quick video of The Price is Right episode that I was an audience member for. I am two rows from the back in a dark pink shirt. The second half of this clip shows a guy being "called down" who is sitting just two seats directly in front of me, then he runs right by me and behind me... Enjoy it - I know I did!!!


Kristin said...

The link is 'no longer available'??? I want to see it!

Kristin said...

Ok - it worked for me this time. YAY! I see you! Totally Awesome. You know how jealous I am!

ps - I am so glad i can finally post messages on your blog!

Mostly Stacey said...

I'm glad that you can post comments now and that the video worked - it wasn't working last night for me either... But today it's working!! I still can't believe I didn't get "called down"...

Leslie said...

I think we still have it saved on our DVR, so maybe we'll see about doing what you did and tape the tv. I really want my family to see it.

My cousin, aunt and Mom were actually watching that episode, but didn't realize it was THE episode, so they weren't paying attention!!

And Stacey, you're just not obnixous enough for them to call you down.....and that's a good thing!! Next time you go (they'll be a next time, I'm sure), you can be crazy, way too friendly and overly eager, and then maybe they'll call you, down. Or join the military....they get called a lot too. :)

It's still really cool you guys were on. Still totally jealous.