Monday, March 10, 2008

6 Months!!

Here we are - 6 months after the day Kate made her grand appearance. Boy, has she come a long way since that time. In this time she's gone from sleeping for 3 hours at a time to doing 12 hours a night(thank goodness), more than doubled her size (evidenced by her pediatrician calling her "roley poley"), and her little personality is sure making its debut - sense of humor and everything. She laughs more than she cries and we smile with her more than we console her. She marked her 6 months with the new ability to sit up without our support, which is exciting to see her become a bit more independent. Look how far she's come!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Happy half birthday, Kate! I think the next half is just bitchin'.

Can't wait until we can run around and play together. Hmmm...guess we both need to figure out how to walk before we can try running!
