Monday, March 17, 2008

Adventures in Pureeing

Well - I hate to admit it, but one of my most prominent and current hobbies is making baby food. We started out with Bananas, Avocado and Sweet Potatoes (this picture shows some "glops" of avocado and sweet potatoes just before entry into the freezer):

With Kate getting past the 6 month mark, we've delved into much more variety now! She LOVES apple sauce, she's tried pears and peaches and is in heaven! I've never seen a baby eat with so much gusto! This weekend I blended up both peas and green beans for her. I was really doubting the idea of her liking peas at all (neither Jeff or I are fans), but lo and behold - she's a HUGE fan of the peas!!  We'll try green beans later this week and I'm guessing she'll get along really well with those as well.  It seems that her all-time favorite is still sweet potatoes, and it sure shows on her pretty little face!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I'm envious that you do your own baby food. I tried it once and failed. It was not a positive experience. So until my kids got old enough to eat tiny table scraps, I used store bought stuff. Gold star to Stacey!!

Your homemade baby food looks impressive. And that's so cool that Kate loves so many types of food. I was just speaking with my neighbor and her 8 month old will only eat rice cereal with breast milk. And maybe he's starting to like bananas. So, good job to Kate for being an adventurous eater!!