Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jump! Jump!

Kate's jumpin' with excitement on her new Johnny Jump Up! I have heard rumors that these exciting toys have been recalled (if that's true it must be a result of user-error), but apparently if you live in a small mountain town you can find it in the local variety store! Thank you, Lucy - Kate loves it!


Leslie said...

It won't be long before she's getting some big air!

I hadn't heard about a recall. Maybe it's a specific brand. We used one for all three kids. Would have used it more but ours needs to be attached to a door frame and newer homes don't have frames in the living areas like older homes.

Jump-ups are so much fun!!

Mostly Stacey said...

We don't have moulding on our door frames either, so we had to screw in some pieces of wood on a ceiling beam to hold it up. I have no idea if they were actually recalled or not, but I couldn't find them anywhere here in Denver. The main reason I could see that they might be recalled is because if you tried to use it without the support of a door frame/moulding then the top would just fall onto the babies head...
She does love it though!