Thursday, March 20, 2008

Kate's Sleepin' at the Table!!

Here we were bragging about our homemade baby food, at look what kind of response we get...

Truth be told, here's the story. Kate always takes a really good nap in the afternoon. She is pretty much borderline on if she needs one in the morning or not - somedays yes and somedays no. So, yesterday she started getting fussy and it was only about 20 minutes before her normal mealtime of 10:00 AM, so Jeff went ahead and got the meal ready-to-go and started the whole process. Well, apparently she was more tired than hungry - he said she actually feel asleep with the spoon in her mouth!! And we thought she was so excited to be eating solids... ;)


Leslie said... sweet. Izzie was just talking about babies that fall asleep at the table. She says she has a memory of falling asleep while eating. But, that never happened. She just wants it to happen!

Now I can show her this video...she'll love it!

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